Thursday 18 June 2015

8 Awesome Things for Summer

With just a few days until the official start of summer, I thought I'd share some of my favorite finds lately.

Even though blood oranges are technically a winter fruit, there is something about the taste of San Pellegrino Aranciata Rossa that makes the summer heat a little more bearable. It's like a trip to Italy in a can. Love this tasty treat.

I have a love / hate thing with hats. They don't tend to pack well and I never know what to do with it once its off my head. Do I carry it around in my hand with a jaunty flick of the wrist? Stuff it to the bottom of my bag? Well this wide brim hat solves that problem since its foldable and takes up very little room. Added bonus you can wear it with a top knot which is always a good solution for hair to frizz combat.

I purchased these BBQ gloves as a gift for my husband but they turned into a gift for me. Throw away your oven mitts people - these are so much better! Added bonus of their bright orange color ensures you will never lose them in the bottom of your junk drawer.

This Boden casual jersey dress may not look like much but it's simply the most comfortable piece of clothing I have ever worn that wouldn't also qualify as pajamas. It's as perfect with sandals for a casual brunch or with a blazer for an office setting. I love it so much I got it in 2 colors. It's on sale now so hurry!

I had pretty much given up on the idea of ever feeling okay in a bathing suit when I found this Esther Williams vintage pin-up one piece. The design is adorable, the coverage is great and it actually is flattering on my way less than perfect body. Ok so maybe I won't be gracing the cover of Sport Illustrated but there is something to be said about feeling cute when you are so exposed.

Yes, I'm that person! The one who has the mini misting fan at the beach. It might not be the most chic accessory this season but your sweaty skin will thank you. It also doubles as a fun way to entertain a 2 year old. Thankfully my vintage bathing suit and chic hat offset the dork factor of this little gadget.

If there is one thing I never seem to get my fill of, it's cutting boards. This West Elm Market marble and wood cutting board is perfect to serve a little snack for a drop in guest. Also makes a great gift to hostess gift if want to give something a little more lasting than flowers or wine. It elevates even the most pedestrian food into haute cuisine.

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