Saturday 30 May 2015

Lessons Learned While in a Financial Valley

financial valley

Guest post from Jennifer of The Intentional Mom

While growing up, I experienced what many would consider a privileged life filled with numerous niceties… like a 34-foot power boat, annual vacations, and a closet full of clothes and various things.

I was not given everything though. I had a regular job by the time I was in eighth grade since my parents instilled within me a strong work ethic and required me to work for some of the extras I desired. My parents also taught me the importance of budgeting and saving; but growing up with this privileged lifestyle provided me with a false sense of security and a warped idea of what I needed to feel satisfied.

As a young newlywed I was working 60 to 70 hours a week as a hairdresser while my husband made a career in retail sales. A few years later, we were able to build a house and began looking toward having children.

After being married for nearly seven years, we became parents and I reduced my work hours to just two short evenings a week. Shortly after our third child turned one, I left my job completely.

Fast forward several years to this past fall as I sat surrounded by the bins of clothing that have passed down from one to the other among our now seven children.

I opened the box of boys clothes labeled “4T/5T” and was taken aback. The tears began to flow like Niagara Falls, which soon gave way to heaving sobs. Inside the box were three neatly folded shirts on top of three neatly folded pairs of pants with one pair of pants covered in soot from the fireplace in our old house.

Those clothes were worn in 2008 and 2009 — when we could only afford to buy our four young children three pairs of pants and three shirts that were mix and match styles so it wouldn’t be obvious that we were… poor. It was during this time that we put a few measly Christmas ornaments on a large potted plant because we couldn’t afford a Christmas tree. I also had only five dollars to spend on each child that year for Christmas.

You see, it was shortly after I stopped working that the financial crisis hit, and my husband’s well paying job in retail sales was no longer well paying. Not in the least.

A with an eight year gap between my first and second sons, I hadn’t seen the clothes in this bin since 2008. Those soot-covered pants were free from stains when I put them in the box, but over time old stains have a way of seeping from the fabric and becoming new stains again.

Much like the deeply stained threads that had emerged once again, the emotions of the heart-wrenching journey we traveled rose to the surface again that day. During that time in my life, I learned to become humble and to swallow my pride, and I was forced to graciously embrace the gifts others gave us to help keep us afloat.

I wept over the nearly empty box of clothes that day last fall because that season in my life was not an easy one, but it is the season of my life that I miss the most. This sounds completely counter-intuitive, I realize, but it was the season in my life when I lived, breathed, and learned to internalize the words of Paul when he speaks in Philippians 4:12 saying, “I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want.”

As a family we were incredibly blessed during that drought that lasted for more than two years. We didn’t lose our house, we always had food to put on the table, and we even had $1200 show up in our checking account completely out of the blue. We once opened the front door to find a gift bag with cash inside, we were given grocery money from a family member, and we had a different family member contribute towards car repairs that could no longer wait.

It was the lessons I learned during this time in my life, however, that made my heart bleed red all over the inside of the box of clothes that day. I learned what it means to truly be content even while in that valley.

Although losing our financial security felt like the rug had been pulled out from under me, I learned to find security in the faces of the little people I had been given to raise, love, and nurture. Traveling through the crisis of financial distress taught me that contentment cannot be found in what we have, but in who we are when our current securities are ripped away, leaving us completely raw and vulnerable.

I discovered that my contentment is found in the unconditional love and acceptance of my God, my husband, my children, and the loved ones who extended a helping hand along that rocky path.

I cherish that season of my life because it was then that I learned what I truly need to be satisfied, which is a lesson that could only have been grasped while in the valley.

Do you find yourself in a valley today? Do not be anxious, do not fear. The lessons you learn while in your own valley just may be the lessons you will one day treasure the most.

Jennifer is a busy, homeschooling mom of seven who enjoys keeping a home, living an active lifestyle, and loving the little and not so little people in her life. Her mission is helping other moms find contentment in living intentionally every day over at her blog, The Intentional Mom.

photo source

Friday 29 May 2015

Crystal Ball: Send Us Your Guess for Toyota Motor's U.S. Shares

Our weekly stock-prediction feature looks at the largest car maker in the world.

Flashback Friday: Vintage Coffee Can Tiered Tray

An oldie but a goodie, this was an easy way to repurpose a few great old coffee tins I had picked up along the way. It's easy to do and practical too. Full directions on how to make your own here.

The news from IWT: May 2015

You’ve heard me say it before. A Rich Life is about more than just money.

This month on the IWT blog, we covered how to travel more, painlessly save money, stay motivated, select the perfect TV show to watch, and raise your prices — all part of a Rich Life.

May was a busy month for IWT so today, I’m going to highlight some of the best posts in case you missed out.

Post of the month

Travel around the world (the math to actually make it happen)

With summer right around the corner and vacation on a lot of your minds, I asked “What’s your dream vacation?” Then, I did the math to show you exactly what it would take for you to have your a dream vacation (with examples) this year. This can be applied to ANY goal — check out the 150+ comments for examples of dreams becoming a reality.

On the personal front, here’s what I’ve been up to lately

I took a class on making Mad Men Cocktails:

Putting the finishing touches on my drink

Let’s just say I have a new respect for bartenders, and the drinks were awesome. Speaking of drinks, I got to meet up with Steve Kamb, the founder of NerdFitness, for a couple rounds in NYC.

Day drinks w/ @stevekamb. Awesome guy. Check out his site, NerdFitness A photo posted by Ramit Sethi (@ramit) on

Great to finally hang with Steve. Super nice dude, and a business hero of mine

And earlier this month, I wished a very special Happy Mother’s Day to my mom. After raising my siblings and me AND teaching elementary students, my mom will finally retire as a teacher this year. She’s earned it. And I’m thankful every day for what she’s taught me.

Happy Mother’s Day to my amazing mom, who taught us the value of hard work and never giving up. She and my dad got married 7 days after they met. When she moved to the United States, it was a whole new culture for her. She tells us that she always knew she wanted to raise successful children. And we saw how much work goes into it…like painstakingly teaching us to read, cooking multiple meals and doing multiple loads of laundry every day, packing lunches when we took family trips, and attending every soccer/tennis/karate/track event. After raising us for decades and teaching elementary students, my mom will finally retire as a teacher this year. She’s earned it. And I’m thankful every day for what she taught me. Questions to ask my mom: – How did you do it? – What should a new parent know? – Who was your best kid?

A photo posted by Ramit Sethi (@ramit) on

Mom taught me the value of hard work and never giving up.

Just like my mom is proud of me, I’m proud of YOU, my students. A couple of of my Zero To Launch graduates, Felicia and Bushra were both recently featured in Business Insider here and here. Nicely done!

Happening on the blog

My “must-see” on TV list
I shared 5 of my favorite TV shows & movies. What? You’re surprised Millionaire Matchmaker made it on my list? Don’t judge — some of yours were equally as trashy.

How to make money online (w/ step-by-step instructions)
This free step-by-step guide on how to create a successful online business and make money online is the single, best free resource on the topic of online business I’ve put together so far.

How to work from home
Working from home is a dream many of us have — and it’s more realistic than you think. I show you exactly how to find an at-home job that makes real money (no MLM scams or sales jobs needed).

3 counterintuitive secrets about earning more
One of the first things we ask ourselves when we want earn more money is, “What would anyone pay me for?” Find simple ideas that can generate over $50,000/year and find clients that WANT to pay you.

How to charge for something you love to do
Yes, business is work. But it should also be FUN. If it’s not, then what’s the point? Learn how to find premium clients even in “low-paying” fields in this 90-minute interview with photographer Chase Jarvis.

How to motivate yourself
Most of the stuff motivational “experts” teach you is total BS. I dig into the truth behind how motivation actually works. Then, we go into the tactics that’ll help you get — and STAY — motivated so you can accomplish your goals.

Save $1,000 Challenge
This month, 10,000+ people signed up to take the Save $1,000 in a Week Challenge. It’s closed now, but if you sign up, I’ll let you know next time it opens up.

Many people saved hundreds of dollars in just the first few hours.

Save 1k1111She saved almost $700 on the first day!

You can see all the success stories of people who paid themselves an extra grand (or more) this month on the Facebook event page or hashtag #save1000 on Twitter.

From the IWT Facebook Community

A sad lesson in winning
Find out the brutal truth little Ramit learned after winning the spelling bee.

The debate got a little heated
50+ commenters answered when I asked how best to respond to a question I get almost daily from readers.

How did things go for you this month? Brag about your biggest wins in the comments below.

May was awesome, but we have even more exciting things coming your way in June, including a new, HUGE way we’ll be giving back to the community — like nothing we’ve ever done before.

Don’t miss out next month. Join 375,000+ readers
in the community to get more on living a Rich Life:

100% privacy. No games, no B.S., no spam.

The news from IWT: May 2015 is a post from: I Will Teach You To Be Rich.

Thursday 28 May 2015

The Home Depot: June DIH Workshop

This post is sponsored by The Home Depot. I am happy to be representing THD as part of their DIH Workshops Team this year. All opinions are my own.

You may remember that I hosted a local Do-It Herself Workshop for The Home Depot here in Atlanta in April, where we had fun building a paver planter. I’m excited to be hosting another DIH Workshop on June 18, this time in Charlotte, NC!

Register for the June #DIHWorkshop at The Home Depot and learn how to build an outdoor serving station! #ad

CLICK HERE to register for a workshop at a location near you. If you or someone you know are located in Charlotte, I would love it if you would spread the word and/or come out for a fun girl’s night! I’d love to meet you in person and have a fun evening of DIY. If you aren’t in Charlotte, no worries! These workshops are happening nationwide, so if you click on the registration link you can find the location nearest to you.

We will be building this outdoor serving station.

Register for the June #DIHWorkshop at The Home Depot and learn how to build an outdoor serving station! #ad

This is such a fun project for summer! I’ll also be building my own customized version of it which I will be sharing with you soon.

I hope you can make it to the DIH Workshop, and I can’t wait to see your photos from the event which you can share on social media using hashtag #DIHWorkshop! I’ll be doing the same.

If you’re new here, please consider subscribing via RSS or by email.

You can also connect with me here:

Thanks for visiting!


The post The Home Depot: June DIH Workshop appeared first on DIY on the Cheap.

Wednesday 27 May 2015

“I want to start a blog, but isn’t the market already saturated?”

Is the blogging market saturated?

Debby left this question on the Ask Your Blogging Questions Here post. It’s one I hear often and I thought it was high time I addressed it in this series where I’m answering your blogging questions:

So my question might be too pessimistic, but I am wondering if some of us are getting i to the blogging too late. Are there just too many blogs out there to really be able to get in on it all?

I have so many ideas, but then I do a little research and see that there are a ton of people already posting on these things. I feel like another blog is not needed.

So how do you make your blog something people need to read? The really successful blogs either look like they had money to put into it before making money or they have been around since the beginning. What are your thoughts? -Debby

Can I just encourage you, Debby? I don’t believe in any way that the market is saturated when it comes to blogs.

I know others disagree with me, but I hold to that statement because I believe that everyone has a unique perspective, everyone has a different writing style, and everyone has their own story. These three things will set apart your blog from anyone else’s in the world.

Think about book ideas and business ideas: there are millions of them out there. And yet, every week, many new books are published and many new businesses are started. Not all of them will succeed, but many of them will make a difference.

There are multitudes of amazing books and stories and business concepts that would have never come to fruition had someone felt like the book market or the business market was too saturated! In fact, some of my favorite books would never have been written and some of my favorite businesses would have never been started.

So remind yourself of this when you begin to feel like the market might be saturated. There is always, always room for new blogs, new books, and new businesses.

Is the blogging market saturated?

However, I want to give you four important words of advice to think about as you contemplate the possibility of starting a blog:

1. Don’t Blog for the Money

While I’ve written extensively on how to start a blog and make money blogging, I cannot emphasize enough how important it is that you have a purpose for blogging that is much bigger than making money.

I’m a firm believer in being smart and strategic. I think it’s wise to find creative win-win ways to make money that also help your audience out. But never, never, never start a blog just to make money.

You will crash and burn if you have no bigger why behind your blogging endeavors than making money.

When I first started blogging here on, there were quite literally no other blogs that I’d ever found that were matching coupons with deals. Pretty soon after I started, the idea caught on and soon, there were a number of bloggers covering deals at their local stores and sharing great online deals.

Because people found out that there was pretty good money to be made in this field — especially if you did a great job of it — more and more people jumped on the deal-blogging bandwagon.

I saw blogger after blogger start new deal blogs — some starting multiple deal blogs. Many outright said to me that they were really only blogging for the money.

A year or three later, the majority of the bloggers who only started blogging for the money had either shut down their blogs entirely or had confessed to me that they were exhausted, frazzled, and overwhelmed.

Blogging is hard work. Making a living from blogging is not an easy road. And when the frustrations and set-backs and discouragements come, if you’re not in it for a bigger purpose than making money, you’re going to have a hard time sticking with it for the long haul.

I love how blogging allows me to be able to work from anywhere!

I love that blogging allows me to pretty much work from anywhere! Today, I took my “office” to the skating rink and hung out with Kaitlynn while she had an intensive day of figure skating lessons and training.

2. Don’t Try to Be Someone You’re Not

You are the only you on the planet. The world needs YOU — not you trying to be someone else.

Instead of looking at other bloggers and thinking of how you can replicate what they are doing, be inspired by them and then go do your own thing.

Instead of trying to copy others, think about what you can do to set yourself apart. What unique perspective and life experience do you have to bring to the table? What ideas and subjects are you intensely passionate about?

Do not compare yourself to other bloggers. I repeat: do not compare yourself to other bloggers.

This is a recipe for discouragement and defeat or for pride. Whether it makes you feel better than or less than, either way, it’s not good for your heart. Save yourself the fallout and just stop comparing.

Focus on being the best version of yourself that you can be. Surround yourself with people who will encourage you, build you up, and challenge you to improve and grow as a person.

But also, give yourself grace and remember that you don’t have the same gifts, capacity, or calling as others do. And that’s the beauty of us all being unique individuals.

The 3 Most Important Things to Do After You Start a BlogFor more encouragement, read my post on the 3 Most Important Things to Do After You Start a Blog.

3. Don’t Over-Research

There’s a huge advantage nowadays over when I started blogging, because the public at large knows what a blog is.

When I first started blogging, most people hadn’t even really heard of this thing called a “blog”. So before you could tell them about your blog, you first had to explain to them what a blog even was! It was a weird phenomenon to many people and just didn’t make a whole lot of sense.

If you start a blog now, you have a big advantage because blogging is widely accepted and understood. But it also means that it’s no longer a sort of cutting edge thing.

Because of this, as you go to research topics and ideas, you’ll find that there really isn’t anything new under the sun. What your friends think is your personal brilliant idea has probably been blogged on dozens and dozens of times.

In fact, it always cracks me up when I post something simple — say about making your bed every day — and then get emails from people telling me that they read that idea in a book before and I really should give credit to the author I got the idea from.

Here’s the truth: there are really rarely many truly new ideas. While I’m all about giving credit where credit is due if I got an idea or quote directly from someone else, for most ideas, they’ve been shared so many times in so many ways that it’s basically impossible to say where an idea originated from. And often, I may have come up with the idea on my own, but that doesn’t mean that a thousand other people didn’t also come up with the idea, too, and write about it on their blogs.

I don’t say this to discourage you, but to just remind you that you can’t be concerned about only blogging about ideas that have never before been shared. Otherwise, you’ll be hard-pressed to find material to write on!

Just write from your heart, write what you’re inspired about, share what’s working or what’s not working for you. Share from your own life story and unique perspective.

If you’re going to hold something out as a brand-new, never-before-heard-of original idea, you probably should research to make sure it’s truly not been blogged about before. But otherwise, just be you as a blogger. Give credit to anyone you get ideas from, but don’t stress about always having to cite a source for everything — especially if the idea is something you just learned by trial and error.

Too much research can stifle your creativity. If you go out trying to search to see what else has been written about a particular topic, it can sometimes be more discouraging than helpful — as you’ll find that three or 30 or 300 other bloggers have shared a similar idea, but with better photos or graphics or storyline than you would have ever come up with yourself.

Instead of spending hours researching, I encourage you to spend a lot more time writing, editing, tweaking, and creating than you do researching. In the long run, it will be a much healthier decision for you.

As I’ve said before, “Stop collecting more information and, instead, go and apply what you already know.”

Don't Live Under the Belief of Lies

4. Don’t Let Lies Limit You

Do you feel like you just don’t measure up? That you’re not good enough? That you wish you could be successful and fulfilled in life but you’re met with failure and discouragement at every turn?

So much of the time, our unwillingness to act or our inability to gain momentum has to do mostly with the things we’ve let ourselves believe about ourselves.

It’s long been said that if you believe a lie for long enough, it can become a truth to you. So if you tell yourself for months and months that you’re not good enough, that you don’t have anything to offer, that you shouldn’t start blogging because you wouldn’t do a good job of it, then you’ve probably slowly started to own those lies and let them be believed as truth in your life.

Instead of embracing these untruths about yourself, start calling them out for what they really are — LIES! Then replace them with the truth: you have a unique story and purpose, you are enough, the world needs your gifts and talents.

Be you, bravely!

If you, too, struggle with living under lies and letting them dictate how you live, I encourage you to download my talk on the 3 Lies That Are Stifling Your Success & The Truth That Will Set You Free. I think it will really encourage you!

Ask Me Your Blogging Questions

Want to Pick My Brain About Blogging/Business?

Have a question you’d love for me to answer regarding business and/or blogging? Click this link and leave a comment on this post here or shoot me an email (crystal @ with your question. Each week (or as often as I have time!), I’ll choose one question from those submitted to answer in-depth in a blog post.

I also just recently started offering a monthly blog coaching package. This consists of a monthly hour-long call via Skype, a followup email with a plan of action, and the ability to reach out to me with questions and/or to report your progress and stay accountable to your goals. You can fill out the form here if you are interested in finding out more details on this.

photo credit; photo credit

27-Week Letter of the Week Curriculum: Free for two weeks only!


For the next two weeks only, you can download a copy of Holly’s 27-week Letter of the Week Curriculum for FREE when you subscribe to her email list.

How to Stick to a Cash-Based Grocery Budget

How to Keep Your Grocery Budget Low

Jamerrill has a very helpful article up on How to Stick to a Cash-Based Grocery Budget.

If you missed it, be sure to also read my post on 6 Ways We’re Keeping Our Grocery Budget Low Without Using Coupons.

31 Healthy Crockpot Freezer Meals


Kelli from New Leaf Wellness has put together a list of 31 tried-and-true Healthy Crockpot Freezer Meals.

Charging 10X: Watch me analyze these real-life businesses

There’s something weird going on.

Why is that newspaper talking about the horrible economy…yet if we walk past a nice restaurant, it’s full of people spending money?

It’s almost as if there’s a game being played around you that you don’t know about.

Over the last few days, we’ve been talking about how to earn more. We talked about breaking down the math of a dream vacation — an eye-opening view into how things like a $5,000 vacation are actually surprisingly achievable.

The next question, of course, is how the hell do I earn money?

You might have watched the 89-minute free video on how to find an idea and start earning more.

Remember, there’s a limit to how much you can save, but no limit to how much you can earn.

So, back to this question of the game being played around us. Assume for a minute that I can teach you how to find an idea.

And even how to charge for it. Maybe $20/hour, maybe $50/hour.

When you think about people charging for services (whether it’s dog walking, interior design, or Excel consulting…whatever, really), think about the two kinds of people:

  1. People that struggle to find any clients, and when they do, their clients are The Worst People In The World. They haggle, they don’t pay on time, they have unrealistic demands.
  2. People that seem to always have a booked schedule of high-quality clients who are happy to pay, even though they’re paying more. Hmm…

What is going on? Again, assuming I can teach you how to find an idea and find clients, which kind of clients would you want?

How can some people charge double, triple, or even 10x what other people charge?

Let’s look at 3 real wedding photographers in NYC.

I have no idea the talent level of these photographers.

I did a search and then clicked right to the “pricing” page of dozens of photographers to see what they offered.

Let’s take a look at the difference between a photographer struggling to get $500 clients, to a photographer that charges 14x that.

Just scraping by: The $500 package


One question: Why would anyone book this photographer!?

Put yourself in the mind of the customer — this is the most important day of their life. A bride doesn’t want to know that you have no experience but “a lot of potential” (what does that even mean?)

When you sell yourself short you attract clients that are looking for the cheapest option. These type of clients:

  • Haggle on price. They want the cheapest option, so they will fight you every step of the way with payment.
  • Don’t value your work. This sets you up to be disrespected and bossed around.

Doing a little better: The $4,000 package


This is closer. This photographer gives “social proof” in the first line, which calls out that she is a talented professional that should be taken seriously.

Then she offers a valuable bonus that most couples would be interested.

However, I’m still asking, “why?”

Does she understand me, the bride?

How do I know I’m going to enjoy working with her?

Clients begging to work with them: The $7000 package


The first paragraph talks very little about the photos and more about the bride. Notice how many times he uses the word “you.”

At this point, a bride is nodding along, excited to work with this person and the result is that price becomes irrelevant.

That’s how you charge more.

Let me show you what I mean. Raising rates doesn’t have to be difficult or awkward. In this 3-minute video, I’ll share with you a word-for-word script for charging more (even if you’ve already worked with the client at a lower rate.)



Charging 10X: Watch me analyze these real-life businesses is a post from: I Will Teach You To Be Rich.

Tuesday 26 May 2015

Get two pair of Girl’s Leggings for just $10 shipped!

Get 2 pairs of Girl's Leggings for $10 shipped!

Kaitlynn loves leggings, so I was excited about this deal! She wears them multiple times during the week — under shorts, under skirts/dresses, and by themselves with a longer shirt.

They are especially great for her because she spends time almost every afternoon at the ice rink working on her figure skating.

Get 2 pairs of Girl's Leggings for $10 shipped!

Cents of Style is offering two pair of Girl’s Leggings for just $10 shipped. Here’s how to get this deal:

  • Go here and add one pair of Girl’s Leggings to your cart in either yellow, pale pink, spring green, turquoise, or lavender.
  • Go to checkout and you should see a pop-up for a second pair of leggings (black, navy blue, hot pink or white).
  • Use coupon code MSMLEG to knock the price of both pairs of leggings down to $9.99 total with free shipping — that’s just $5 per pair shipped!

Get 2 pairs of Girl's Leggings for $10 shipped!

Note: each style fits a little different. Please be sure to check the sizing to verify that you’re ordering the right size of each pair:

Yellow, Pale Pink, Spring Green, Turquoise, Lavender-
S/M: Fits size 6-10 waist 20″ length 22 1/2″
L/XL: Fits size 10-14 waist 21 1/2″ length 27″

Black, Navy Blue, Hot Pink, White-
S/M: Fits size 4-8 waist 20″ length 21″
L/XL: Fits size 8-12 waist 22″ length 24″
Get 2 pairs of Girl's Leggings for $10 shipped!

This deal is valid for my readers only through May 31, 2015.

(Note: The links in this post are affiliate links. Read our disclosure policy here.)

A peek into our Summer Schedule

We got a free Frosty at Wendy's!

So, I skipped doing a Cleaning Project and Daily Plan yesterday because it was Memorial Day.

While we did our usual homeschooling and daily cleaning chores, we got done early so we could enjoy a fun outing to a movie with free tickets we’d been given from friends and then to hit up Wendy’s for a free Frosty. We’re all about Frugal Fun here. :)

Some of you have asked for more details about our summer schedule. So I thought I’d share a peek into what it looks like. Do remember that it changes a bit each day depending upon what’s going on that day, but the bones of the schedule usually stay the same.

5 Things You Should Do Every Single Day

Need some ideas for how to get started creating a daily routine? I encourage you to start very simply — with just a few things. Read my post on 5 Things You Should Do Every Single Day for a great starting point.

A Peek At Our Summer Schedule:

  • Me up/quick morning routine — I try to do this Morning Routine here.
  • Blogging/business work — usually for 30 minutes to an hour.
  • Kid’s up — baths/dressed
  • Breakfast — I usually start in with our Bible and memory work while they finish eating breakfast.
  • Morning homeschool time — we’re doing Sonlight Core D so our together time usually takes around 1.5 hours.
  • Reading time — we all sit on the couches in the living room and read our own books quietly for 20 minutes or so.
  • Morning chores — This consists of: Rooms clean, beds made, trashes emptied, house picked up, bathrooms quick-cleaned, floors swept, and laundry started.
  • Kid’s work on independent work while I work on laundry + extra cleaning projects (Today’s project: declutter 2 rooms)
  • Me — quick run/shower, if I didn’t get it in before the kids got up.
  • Lunch/Latin
  • Jesse take over with the kids’ school/activities/dinner prep while I spend the afternoon on blogging & business work — our kids have activities almost every afternoon (swimming/figuring-skating, etc. and Jesse’s in charge of those).
  • Dinner/family time — 6:30ish
  • Quick house pick-up/finish laundry — I try to do this Evening Routine here. — 7:15ish
  • Kids to bed — 7:30 to 8 p.m.
  • Time with Jesse/read
  • To bed by 10:30 p.m.

Later today, I’ll share a post about how our day went and give you an update (with pictures) on how our day went and my progress on decluttering to give you a real-life peek into a day in our life.

If you have a routine that you follow at your house, I’d love to hear more about what that looks like. If you’ve blogged about it, I’d love to have you leave a comment with your link.

Monday 25 May 2015

3 Things I Learned After a Year of Being Debt Free

year of being debt free

Guest post by Lydia of Frugal, Debt Free Life

For many years, I felt like being debt free was the impossible dream. And then it happened. In February 2014, my husband and I were able to declare ourselves a debt-free family.

We had trampled down a mound of credit card bills and gotten out from under an avalanche of student loans.

In the year since we became debt free I have learned so much. Here are three lessons:

1. Budgeting doesn’t stop just because the debt is gone.

For so long, it felt like we were walking around with a backpack full of bricks. Once the debt was gone, we were able to take off that backpack and breathe for the first time in years.

But it didn’t take long to realize that savings and frugal living don’t stop once you pay off that debt. If you’re not careful and you don’t live with intention, you will fall back into the older patterns that got you in debt in the first place.

2. You still need to set goals.

For months and months, our number one goal was to get out of debt. Once we achieved that, we needed a new goal.

Without a purpose to work toward, you will stagnate. Without a purpose, it is difficult to stay motivated or even want to budget to begin with.

Our new goal became to purchase a home. When that goal was achieved, our new goal became to pay off that house early.

3. You are allowed to splurge responsibly.

Because we had been in debt-paying mode for so long, it became difficult to switch that mode off and allow ourselves to have some fun.

When the opportunity arose to take our children to see a life-sized Thomas the Train in a town a few hours from us, we balked. After years of holding onto every dollar so tight, it felt like too much money to spend. But we looked at our budget, saw we had the extra money to go, and decided to treat our family to a rare outing.

It’s okay to have fun and spend money responsibly and that’s not something to feel guilty about.

There are few feelings greater than being debt free. That feeling is an excellent motivator, why not let it carry you into other parts of your financial life?

Lydia Senn is a wife and blogger. She lives on a growing homestead with her bearded husband and two energetic boys. She loves Jesus and coffee.

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Saturday 23 May 2015

The Top 7 Most Popular Posts This Week


The Real Reason for My Clutter

5 Simple Ways to Cut Down on Toy Clutter

5 Simple Ways to Cut Down on Toy Clutter

Get an 8x10 Photo Canvas for $14.99 Shipped!

Get An 8×10 Photo Canvas for $14.99 Shipped!


7 Kid-Friendly Freezer Meals in 85 Minutes

9 Ways Busy Moms Can Find Time to for Quiet in Their Day

9 Ways Busy Moms Can Find Time for Quiet in Their Day


2015 Military & Memorial Day Freebies & Discounts

My First Tough Mudder Experience

My First Tough Mudder Experience (& how I surprised myself by loving it!)

Weekend Giveaway: Thirty-One Gifts Utility Tote and Insert (4 Winners)


You all are going to be happy because I’ve got another Thirty-One Gifts giveaway for you today! The last few giveaways I’ve done from Thirty-One Gifts have been some of my most popular giveaways ever, so I’m excited to bring you yet another one, this time courtesy of Kirstin Tracy.


What Is Thirty-One Gifts?

If you’re not familiar with Thirty-One Gifts, they are a company that offers durable and adorable bags and totes in a variety of styles and kinds. They can all be personalized, too.

31.4Kirstin sent me some of the Personalized Utility Totes with an insert and I love it! There are so many different uses for them! You can use them for storage, for holding library books, for taking on a trip, for organizing supplies… the possibilities are endless.

We put ours in the back of our car to use for carrying groceries, organizing supplies for trips, or when we need to tote supplies to church or other events. I can already tell it is going to come in so handy!


Want to Keep in the Loop About Specials or Get a Free Catalog?

Be sure to join Kirstin’s Facebook Group to find out about monthly products specials and more from Thirty-One Gifts.

Plus, you’ll want to fill out Kirstin’s 2-question survey in order to join her monthly newsletter or receive a catalog. You’ll also be signed up for a separate $50 gift card giveaway!

Also, if you are interested, fill out this form to find out more information about hosting your own online party or joining Kirstin’s team so you can earn money selling Thirty-One products.


Thirty-One Gifts offers fun monthly specials. During the month of May, for every $35 you spend, you can get either Large Utility Tote for only $10 or the insert for $15 (the insert is an exclusive product just being sold in May)! Or, if you spend $70, you can get both specials. Find out more about the May Customer Special here.

Get 10% Off Any Order!

In addition, Kirstin is offering 10% off any orders from readers. This offer is only valid through Monday only.

Here’s how to place an order and qualify for 10% off:

::Go to Kirstin’s Thirty-One Gifts site.

::Click on Place an Order and then click on the MSM Giveaway Event.

::Place your order and get 10% off!

::Please note: Kirstin will have to manually deduct the 10% off after the online event is closed so you won’t see the 10% discount until after she manually submits the orders.

Would you like to win both a Large Utility Tote + an insert from Thirty-One Gifts? To enter to win, just click on the graphic below and type in your name and email address. Four winners will be chosen and posted next week.

This giveaway ends Monday, May 25, at 11:59 pm, CST.

Enter the Giveaway

Gretchen’s $59 Grocery Shopping Trip and Weekly Menu Plan



The milk from Dillons accidentally got put in this picture. 
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Friday 22 May 2015

It's Risky to Rely on Retirement Questionnaires

Dan Ariely answers readers’ questions about dubious planning, great expectations and illegal downloads.

Free doughnut at Krispy Kreme on June 5, 2015

Free doughnuts at Krispy Kreme

Mark your calendars! Krispy Kreme is offering a free doughnut of your choice on June 5, 2015 in celebration of National Doughnut Day. This offer is void in CT.

Free Krispy Kreme doughnuts

My kids are already getting excited about this one. :)

Thanks, Freebies 4 Mom!