Friday 1 January 2016

Chasing after people-pleasing is a pointless pursuit

Why you need to tune out the loud so you can hear the truth

In the last few months, my husband and I made some big decisions which involved stepping away from some responsibilities and commitments that I’d held for a few years.

These decisions were made with much thought, prayer, and outside counsel and we both know wholeheartedly that they were the right decisions. However, there has been some loud pushback from a few individuals and, as a result, earlier this week, I was feeling angst over it.

When I went to Jesse to talk about it, he asked me a really wise question: “Why do these comments bother you? Is it because you think we made wrong decisions or because you don’t want people to be disappointed in you?”

I knew the answer immediately. I am, at my core, a people pleaser and it stressed me out to hear people vocalize how they didn’t like the decisions we’ve made and wished we hadn’t made them.

He encouraged me to not let the seemingly loud voices of disapproval drown out the still, small voices of truth. Because chasing after pleasing people is always a pointless pursuit.

This year, one of my personal commitments is to spend more time listening to the still, small voices of truth and less time worrying what the masses think.

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