I've had such a great experience with Blue Apron last time, I was so excited to be asked to share another recipe. In case you haven't heard, Blue Apron is a delivery service that will send several great recipes and every ingredient needed to whip it up so all you have to do it cook something new and fresh when it arrives. The ingredients are farm fresh and save you the trip to the grocery store.

This time around the recipe is Adobo Style Chicken with Bok Choy and Wild Rice. I will admit when I first read the title of the recipe, I wasn't sure we would like it but I was totally wrong. It was incredibly tasty and we ate every bite! Illustrating one of my favorite Blue Apron features - pushing us to try new dishes and techniques that are a little outside of our comfort zone without any extra effort on my part to hunt down new recipes or ingredients.
Blue Apron recipes generally take me about an hour from start to finish but this one was extra quick. The recipe was easy to follow and there were very few steps. I started by chopping up the ginger, garlic, chives and bok choy as directed.

Once I got the rice started, the chicken got a quick sauté and set aside. Once the aromatics were cooked, the wet ingredients and bok choy were added back along with some cornstarch to thicken the sauce. Finally the chicken is added back the chicken before cooking for a few more minutes and served up with the rice. Sesame seeds, coriander scallion tops were used as garnish.

This Adobo Chicken was very tasty and something I had never made before. Now that I know the techniques I can easily replicate it with different ingredients easily. For example, I would have never thought to add sesame seeds as garnish (let's be honest - I don't garnish my home made dishes!) but I loved the flavor and texture it added. I will definitely be doing that again! Another great Blue Apron experience. We ate every bite of this savory sauced chicken and can't wait to try another recipe. I'm coming for you Chicken + Drop Biscuit casserole and Shrimp Pineapple Fried Rice!

Another great thing about the dish was that it was easy to separate to make a toddler friendly version without having to do a thing beside portion it on a plate. Added bonus: The box is Aggie's new favorite toy!

Once again the lovely people at Blue Apron have provided a coupon code for the first 50 readers to try out the service at a reduced rate (the equivalent of 2 free meals on them!). Just click here.
Click here to learn about just one of the suppliers Blue Apron uses to source it's fresh produce.
Disclosure: This post was sponsored by Blue Apron but as always, all opinions expressed are my own.
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